SNET Allocation Plan

The total supply of SNET is 10 billion tokens.

  • Team and Advisors: 10% (Locked for two years, vesting over five years) - Distributed to team members and advisors at the project's inception, as compensation for their time and resource contributions, and to provide ongoing incentives.

  • Mining Nodes: 15% - Used to provide foundational AI computing power, supporting the ecosystem's stability.

  • Investors: 5% - Sold to investors prior to the token's public sale to raise funds and provide additional support for the project.

  • Mining Rewards: 50% - Used for AI mining rewards, providing computing power support and community fission rewards.

  • Ecosystem Fund: 20% - Allocated to reward community members, developers, and contributors, promoting the construction and development of the community.

The SynthNet token economy is designed to create a sustainable and thriving ecosystem that encourages user participation, supports community-driven innovation, and fosters the growth of AI and blockchain technologies. By carefully allocating token resources and ensuring a fair and transparent distribution process, SynthNet aims to provide long-term value to its users and partners, ultimately contributing to the development and success of the entire industry.

Last updated