Framework Logic

SynthNet's technical framework consists of three key components: Proof of AI Computation (PoAC), Proof of Device (PoD), and Proof of Time (PoT).

Proof of AI Computation (PoAC):

  1. Demonstrates that a smartphone has completed a specific AI computing task.

  2. Miners must complete assigned tasks and submit their results to verify their computational power.

  3. Task Distribution: The server breaks AI tasks into smaller subtasks and assigns them according to the miner's device performance.

  4. Result Verification: After miners submit their results, the server verifies them through samplingor complete verification to ensure the accuracy of the results.

Proof of Device (PoD):

  1. Demonstrates the uniqueness of a smartphone device, preventing cheating behaviors.

  2. Miners must submit relevant device information (e.g., device ID, hardware information) to verify the authenticity of their devices.

  3. Device Registration: Miners must register their device information on the server when joining for the first time, including device ID, hardware information, and operating system.

  4. Device Uniqueness Check: The server checks device information to prevent duplicate or virtual devices from joining. Unique device verification is achieved by comparing the device information in the database.

Proof of Time (PoT):

  1. Demonstrates that a smartphone has continuously completed AI computing tasks within a specific time frame.

  2. Miners must submit proof of their computing results based on random challenges.

  3. Random Challenge: The server periodically sends random challenges to miners, which may include task identifiers, timestamps, and other information.

  4. Challenge Response: Miners must generate a response based on the challenge, which may include partial information of their computing results, such as hash values.

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